"Laudate" English Page

Welcome, this page is the web-site from the Daughters of St.Paul Japan.


Welcome to "Laudate"
the web-site from the Daughters of St. Paul!
We welcome any visitors to our new English site.
We are Catholic Sisters doing missionary work through social communication media.

If you have any inquiries about our publication, books, videos CDs and etc.. please do not hesitate to contact us at Laudate , we will try our best to answer your questions as soon as possible. We also accept via the internet.

About Contents

DSP News
Our sister, Sr.Kurihara passed away (2008.10.30)
History of the Japanese Catholic Church
Visiting Catholic Churches in Japan
Yamate Catholic Church (2018.1.3)
Who are we?
We will be introducing you to one of our members.

Links to Japanese Website