As I received this wonderful blessing of the baptism, I thought of going into a convent to do the missionary work. Sitting in my favorite place on our balcony, I used to read a lot. I found out about the Daughters of St. Paul who are doing the evangelization through publication, and decided to join them right away.
I could not hear the words of priest recommending me a teaching congregation, nor my parents who were surprised and sad because they were not catholic.
Love to read and to product a book is something quite different.
I did not even think that the work of Sisters who are doing missionary works through mass media is not only publishing books, but they also had diffusion, accounting, and house work, etc. I thought even less that I could be placed into any of these sections. I just wished to go in there because I liked books and I was going
to proclaim the gospel through the books.
I was in charge of production which was just as interesting as any other task, but
there was so much hardship. Not only that a life where God was always our goal in looking for His holy will, and in fighting with my own self, has not been easyfor me; I who grew up self centered. But the hands of God have always been with me, even when I did not realize about it.
Every time after any difficulty, I received light about myself, about other people and about God.
God gives us everything:clothes to wear, home and meals,Thank you God. Amen.
The little kindergarten children were singing this song before the meal, and my voice has been with them.
Now that I think of it, I had already been guided by merciful God's hands beyond any thoughts of people. I join my hands in prayers.